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Remembering David H. Greenberg

Remembering David H. Greenberg


The UMBC Community is mourning the passing of David H. Greenberg on March 4, 2024. Dave joined the faculty at UMBC in 1982, and served as Professor of Economics until his retirement in 2002. Prior to joining UMBC, Dave worked for many years for the RAND Corporation and for the Office of Income Security, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Between 1968 and 1969 he served on the President’s Commission on Income Maintenance Programs. He obtained his B.A. in 1962 from Southern Methodist University and his Ph.D. in 1966 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, both in Economics.

Dave was a prolific scholar, both during his career and for over a decade after his retirement. He published six books including his influential textbook Cost-Benefit Analysis: Concepts and Practice co-authored with A. Boardman, A. Vining, and D. Weimer, which has gone through five editions, the most recent being published in 2018. He published some 55 peer reviewed journal articles and 18 chapters in edited book volumes. He was an expert in the evaluation of a wide range of social welfare programs including income maintenance, welfare to work, and job training programs. He completed dozens of contract policy evaluation reports not only for U.S. organizations but also for those based in Canada and the United Kingdom. Dave was also active in teaching and policy consulting in Hungary and elsewhere in Eastern Europe.

At UMBC Dave taught courses in labor economics, industrial relations and cost benefit analysis as well as principles of microeconomics. He served on numerous Public Policy dissertation committees. He also served on UMBC’s University Faculty Review Committee. 

With his wife Linda, Dave enjoyed a range of outdoor activities such as cycling, camping and hiking. He and Linda took a number of extended driving trips throughout Australia.

When Dave joined the UMBC faculty in 1982 at the full Professor rank he contributed to raising research and scholarly expectations within the department. However, he was also an approachable and helpful mentor to junior faculty. As a new faculty member at UMBC in the early 1980s, I benefited from being able to hitch rides with Dave in the Volkswagen convertible that he had recently brought back from a trip to Germany. Dave leaves behind a very productive legacy as researcher, teacher, mentor, and conscientious academic citizen.

A “Celebration of Life” will take place on March 16th from 2 to 5 PM at Linda’s cousin's residence in Columbia, MD.

David Mitch
Department of Economics

Posted: March 26, 2024, 3:44 PM