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Psych Departmental "Reflection Session"

In light of the recent events in Baltimore City


On Campus : SOND 414

Date & Time

May 1, 2015, 4:00 pm5:30 pm


Dr. Shawn Bediako (Psychology Department and LLC affiliate professor) invites the LLC community to attend a “reflection session” on Friday May 1 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm.  The purpose of the session is to provide a space where we can express thoughts, share experiences, and discuss the relevance of these events to our research, scholarship, and training experiences as psychologists - and human beings.

There will be several forums on campus over the next few days, but it might be useful for us to talk in a smaller group about the particular significance of the recent events to our discipline, and what "psychology" can learn from - and contribute to - our understanding of what is unfolding.

This reflection session will take place in Sondheim 414

Everyone is welcome to participate.