The Obama Effect 2.0 Conference
The Commons
October 27, 2016 – Oct 29, 2016 (All Day Event)
Since stepping into the national political spotlight at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, then-Senator Barack Obama and reactions to his eventual ascendancy to the White House as president have confounded conventional wisdom. What many sensed as unique, different, refreshing and forward thinking about Mr. Obama, we dubbed “The Obama Effect.” And as his time in office comes to a close, it is imperative for scholars and professionals in a wide variety of disciplines to reflect upon this presidency’s effect and impact on: American and global public opinion; party politics; voter participation; media representations; international relations; religious discourses; race and the American police state; nationality and patriotism; and constructions of racial, sexual, and gender identities.
Registration for the conference is $50 for academics, $20 for graduate students and community members. Please register here:
The Obama Effect 2.0 Conference is sponsored by the American Studies Department; the Dresher Center for the Humanities; the Language, Literacy, and Culture Program; the Africana Studies Department; the Sociology, Anthropology, and Health Administration and Policy Department; the History Department; the Global Studies Department; the English Department; the Media and Communication Studies Department; The Shriver Center; the Division of Professional Studies; Dean Scott Casper; Provost Rous; the Student Life’s Mosaic: Center for Culture and Diversity; and the President’s Office.