WISE Lunch
University Center : Ballroom Lounge
Date & Time
May 3, 2017, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Dear WISE,
Please join us for a WISE lunch on Wed, May 3, 12-1pm in the UC Ballroom Lounge (not the ballroom, the small room on the side). Our guest is, Dr. Ruth Lehmann, the "A Look Ahead" keynote speaker and PhD mentor of our very own Michelle Starz-Gaiano. Dr. Lehmann is the Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Professor of Cell Biology at the Department of Cell Biology and Chair of the Department of Cell Biology at NYU.
This lunch provides us with an excellent end-of-the-semester networking opportunity and a chance to share with Dr. Lehmann the work of WISE and learn about her experiences as a women in science.