Inclusive Teaching in STEM √ (DATE CHANGED!)
Create welcoming, encouraging, and supportive STEM classes!
Engineering : 102
Date & Time
January 23, 2018, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
How do we make our STEM classes
welcoming, encouraging, and supportive for our diverse students today? Join
your colleagues for a discussion of evidence-based teaching practices that help
all our students feel included and motivated—thus fostering their success. We
will use ideas in the two papers below as a starting point for our
conversation—please read them in advance.
- Killpack, T. L., & Melón, L. C. (2016). Toward inclusive STEM classrooms: What personal role do faculty play? CBE Life Sciences Education, 15(3), es3.
- Aguilar, L., Walton, G., & Wieman, C. (2014). Psychological insights for improved physics teaching. Physics Today, 67(5), 43-49.
Lunch will be provided to all registered participants, please click “I
Can Attend” below to reserve your seat for this session. Please email
to note any dietary restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, food
allergies, etc.) by Tuesday, January 16. The deadline to register
for this event is the earlier of Tuesday, January 16 or when the
event reaches capacity. Please email to be added to a wait list if the event is full. If you have registered and find that you can no longer attend, please kindly release your spot so that others may attend.
√ Counts toward ALIT Certificate