Bring Your Best Idea: Shifting Student Mindset √ §
How do you encourage students to persevere on assignments?
The Commons : 329
Date & Time
February 21, 2018, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Preparing all students to succeed in your course and beyond is a tall challenge, and it can be even more complicated if students arrive the first day of class already suspecting that they may not have what it takes. What sorts of strategies do you use to build your students up for success? How do you encourage them to persevere through difficult material or assignments? What sorts of grading practices do you use to reward true effort, even when the results may be less than perfect? How do you assure students that failure is a valuable part of the learning process?
Bring Your Best Idea sessions, we (locally) crowdsource answers to questions
such as these. Please bring your best idea for encouraging a growth mindset in
students to this lively, collaborative, and fast-paced sharing session. Each
participant who has an idea to share will have two minutes to describe it. No
slides please, though a one-page handout to pass around is welcome. After 20-30
minutes of sharing ideas, we’ll shift to Q&A and discussion. Whether or not
you bring an idea to share, you’ll leave this session with new food for thought
and several new ideas you might try in your own course. Lunch is provided.
√ Counts toward ALIT Certificate
§ Counts towards INNOVATE Certificate