Advising Open House
Learn about what GWST/CSST courses we're running Fall 2018!
The Commons : Women's Center
Date & Time
April 4, 2018, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Want to know what courses Gender and Women's Studies will be running in the fall? Thinking about a minor in Critical Sexuality Studies? Join our faculty for free pizza and learn more at our advising open house!
We'll be in the Women's Center (Commons, ground floor, next to the Yum Shoppe) from 12-1pm on April 4th -- our faculty will give brief overviews of the classes they'll be teaching Fall 2018 and will be available to answer advising questions or help you declare your major or minor!
We'll be in the Women's Center (Commons, ground floor, next to the Yum Shoppe) from 12-1pm on April 4th -- our faculty will give brief overviews of the classes they'll be teaching Fall 2018 and will be available to answer advising questions or help you declare your major or minor!