Eminent Scholars Talk: J. Blake Scott
Theory Building as Care in Rhetoric of Health and Medicine
Performing Arts & Humanities Building : 428
Date & Time
April 16, 2018, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
On Monday, April 16, 2018, J. Blake Scott of the University of Central Florida will deliver a talk entitled, "Theory Building as Care in the Rhetoric of Health and Medicine," as part of the Eminent Scholars Program at UMBC. The event, which will take place in the Performing Arts and Humanities Building, Room 428 at 12:00 PM, will examine the following: "More than a tool or lens to engage the world, theory emerges from and co-enacts phenomena and their entanglements. This presentation will discuss and illustrate a methodology of theory building in the rhetoric of health and medicine (RHM), a multi-disciplinary field concerned with how symbolic persuasion shapes meaning and experience in health and medical practices. The presentation will also argue for and raise questions about theory building as a form of care, a way of engaging that has particular implications for studies of health and medicine but also implications for theorizing more broadly." This event will be an exciting and informational event; we look forward to seeing you there.
Biography: Dr. J. Blake Scott is a founding co-editor of the new
scholarly journal, Rhetoric of
Health and Medicine, published by the University Press of Florida. His
scholarship in the rhetoric of health and medicine (RHM) includes the
recently published collection, Methodologies
for the Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, his book, Risky Rhetoric: AIDS and the Cultural
Practices of HIV Testing, and articles in the Quarterly Journal of Speech, College
English, and the Journal of
Medical Humanities, among other journals. His scholarship on professional
and technical communication includes the collection, Critical Power Tools: Technical
Communication and Cultural Studies, the textbook, Service-Learning in Technical and Professional Communication, and
articles in Technical Communication
Quarterly, the Journal of
Business and Technical Communication, and other places. He
is currently working on a book that brings together theories of rhetoric,
risk, and transnational movement to analyze global risk conflicts around
pharmaceutical access and regulation. His other transnational rhetorical work
includes the collection, The
Megarhetorics of Global Development.