High-Tech Housewives and H-4 “Dreamers”
South Asian Immigration in a Changing Landscape
Library and Gallery, Albin O. Kuhn : Gallery
Date & Time
December 5, 2018, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Amy Bhatt, Associate Professor, Gender, Women's, + Sexuality Studies; and Affiliate Associate Professor in the Language, Literacy, and Culture and Asian Studies Programs, UMBC
Tech companies such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft promote the free flow of data worldwide, while relying on foreign, temporary IT workers to build, deliver, and support their products. However, even as IT companies use technology and commerce to transcend national barriers, their transnational employees and their families face significant migration and visa constraints. In this talk based on her ethnographic research, Amy Bhatt shines a spotlight on Indian IT migrants and their struggles to navigate family obligations, career paths, citizenship, and belonging as they move between South Asia and the United States.
A book signing and reception to follow
Bio: Amy Bhatt
is Associate
Professor of Gender, Women’s, + Sexuality Studies, Affiliate Associate Professor
in the Language, Literacy, and Culture Program and the Asian Studies
Program at UMBC. Her research focuses on the effects of migration on
gender and families, social reproduction, and South Asian community
formation. In addition to her research on transnational migration, she
is also interested in South Asian community formation and activism. She
is the author of High-Tech Housewives: Indian IT Workers, Gendered
Labor, and Transmigration (University of Washington Press, 2018), the
co-author of the book Roots and Reflections: South Asians in the
Pacific Northwest (University of Washington Press, 2013) with Nalini
Iyer, the former oral historian for the South Asian Oral History
Project, and the co-chair of the South Asian American Digital Archive’s
Academic Council.
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Sponsored by the Dresher Center for the Humanities; the Gender, Women's, + Sexuality Studies Department; the American Studies Department; the Global Studies Program; and the Asian Studies Program.