Iron Chef: Active Learning √ §
Explore this theme in a small-group situational challenge!
University Center : 310
Date & Time
October 3, 2018, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
How do we use active learning to help students achieve our goals? Join colleagues to creatively and collaboratively explore this theme in a small-group situational challenge complicated by an Iron Chef-like “secret ingredient.” This light-hearted competition will offer insights into ways to apply research-based strategies for dealing with everyday classroom situations. This program is offered by the Faculty Development Center in collaboration with Instructional Technology. Prizes are provided.
Lunch will be provided to all registered participants, please click “Going” below to reserve your seat for this session. Please email
to note any dietary restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, food
allergies, etc.) by Wednesday, September 26. The deadline to register
for this event is the earlier of Wednesday, September 26 or when the
event reaches capacity. Please email
to be added to a wait list if the event is full. If you have
registered and find that you can no longer attend, please kindly release
your spot so that others may attend.
√ Counts toward ALIT Certificate
§ Counts towards INNOVATE Certificate