Depth of Field
Through December 19
Library and Gallery, Albin O. Kuhn
August 29, 2018 – Dec 19, 2018 (All Day Event)
The exhibition Depth of Field: Acquisitions to the Photography Collections, 2008-2018 presents approximately one hundred images acquired over the last ten years by UMBC’s Photography Collections through generous gifts from donors and artists. The photographs on view highlight the breadth and depth of the collection and illustrate the range of forms, technology, and artists that historically shaped the medium and are presently impacting its ongoing evolution.
Featured artists include Laurie Brown, Kristin Capp, Clarence Carvell, William Eggleston, Donna Ferrato, Robert Fichter, Todd Forsgren, Peggy Fox, Sally Gall, Ralph Gibson, Penny Harris, Sam Holden, Irina Ionesco, Walter Ioos, N. Jay Jaffee, Brian Jones, Nate Larson, Alen MacWeeney, Mary Ellen Mark, Dorothy Norman, David Seltzer, David Seymour, Steve Szabo, Barbara Traub, Peter Turnley, and Robert VonSternberg.
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Image: Todd Forsgren, Adelaide’s Warbler (Setophaga adelaidae), 2009, from the series Ornithological, Accession no. 2016-07-001