New Faculty Welcome Reception
Meet and welcome UMBC's new faculty!
Fine Arts : 427
Date & Time
October 5, 2018, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
The Department of Gender and Women’s Studies and the Women’s Faculty Network would like to invite you to join us on Friday, October 5, 2018 from 2-3:30 PM for our New Faculty Reception in Fine Arts 427.
This will be an opportunity for new faculty and post-docs to get to know one another, network across disciplines, and learn about opportunities to get involved in the Gender and Women's Studies community at UMBC. It is also a chance for returning faculty to welcome UMBC’s new faculty.
The Women's Faculty Network is one such opportunity. The WFN supports the recruitment and advancement of all CAHSS faculty who identify as women in a range of ways, including advocacy, mentorship at key junctures their careers, and creating spaces for social connection. GWST also has a number of affiliate faculty and cross-listed courses in departments across campus, so if your research is at all related to gender, feminism, and/or sexuality studies, we hope you'll come by to learn about the many opportunities we have to get involved.