EHS Paramedic Applications Now Available
DEADLINE: March 1, 2019
Sherman Hall : 316
January 8, 2019 – Feb 28, 2019 (All Day Event)
If you are on track or interested in applying for the
Emergency Health Services Paramedic Program to start Fall 2019, the application is now available. The two documents you need to complete for your application can found online at The department also has printed copies available in our front office if you would like to
stop by and pick up a copy.
Please pay attention to all of the details of the application and deadlines that are listed on the application.
Good Luck to all who apply. If you have any questions please contact the Paramedic Program Director, Gary Williams, or the Department Admin, Renee Decker.
Department of Emergency Health Services
1000 Hilltop Circle
Sherman Hall, Rm. 316
Baltimore, MD 21250
Main Office - 410-455-3223