Festival Baltimore Concert 6: The Reaction
Spirituals, Gospel, and Art Songs by Black Composers
Earl and Darielle Linehan Concert Hall
Date & Time
June 26, 2019, 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Festival Baltimore presents bass-baritone Carl DuPont and pianist Gregory Thompson in an incredible and unique journey. Their program , The Reaction: Spirituals, Gospel, and Art Songs by Black Composers, includes music by composers of the past and present and will feature some Baltimore premieres:
Hall Johnson (1888-1970)
Ain't Got Time to Die
Take My Mother Home
Florence Price (1887-1953)
Song to the Dark Virgin (lyrics by Langston Hughes)
Eugene Hancock (1929-1994)
Howard Swanson (1907-1978)
A Death Song Paul (lyrics by Lawrence Dunbar)
Robert Owens (1925-2017)
3 Lieder für Bariton und Klavier, Op. 20 (lyrics by Herman Hesse)
Marques L.A. Garrett (b. 1984)
Matthew Evan Taylor (b. 1980)
The Reaction (lyrics by Matthew Taylor)
Dolores White
Sometimes I'm Not Myself (lyrics by Felix Morisseau-Leroy)
Bed Bug
Jacqueline Hairston
The Foolish Heart (lyrics by Countee Cullen)
She Sat Down For Freedom (lyrics by Jacqueline Hairston & Traditional Texts)
I Don't Feel No-Ways Tired