REMINDER: Grant Expectations: Research Proposals 101
A grants process workshop for social science faculty
REMINDER: Grant Expectations: Research Proposals 101 – Online Event
Date & Time
October 14, 2020, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Are you a faculty member in the social sciences who is thinking of submitting a grant or fellowship proposal? If you are not sure what to expect when you start a research proposal, if you have questions about the proposal process at UMBC, or if you are just looking for a refresher -- this workshop is a must!
This workshop will provide an overview of the key components of the research proposal process at UMBC, geared especially for researchers in the social sciences. Topics, processes, and procedures to be covered:
The proposal process: Who, what, where, when, how and why
The role of the CAHSS Dean’s Office and the Office of Sponsored Programs in your proposal
Pre- and post-award support for PIs through MIPAR: Who are we and what support we provide
Kuali: What is it, how does it work, and what do you need to know
What to know about sub-awards
Important deadlines and other key information
Preminda Jacob, Associate Dean for Research, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Christine Mallinson, Director, Center for Social Science Scholarship
Deb Geare, Associate Director, MIPAR
Jessica Holte, Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist, Office of Sponsored Programs
Michal Mielich, Grants and Contracts Manager, Office of Sponsored Programs
A recording of the event will be posted on the CS3 and MIPAR websites following the event.
Presented by the Center for Social Science Scholarship, Maryland Institute for Policy, Analysis, and Research (MIPAR), UMBC's Office of Sponsored Programs, and the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences.