BYBI: Choosing Synchronous versus Asynchronous Formats √ §
A FDC Bring Your Best Idea session!
Date & Time
January 28, 2021, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
With the shift to online teaching, many faculty have been experimenting with translating their traditional teaching techniques to either synchronous or asynchronous formats. Some strategies or activities from the traditional classroom are still viable, or even enhanced, by the technological affordances of synchronous online teaching. Other activities seem to work better, or students engage in them more deeply, if they are allowed to complete them on their own time and at their own pace. How have you made decisions about what to do synchronously versus asynchronously in your online courses? What challenges and successes have you encountered getting students to engage with you, the concepts and materials, and each other in synchronous or asynchronous modes? Have you tried certain activities in both modes, and if so, which seemed to work better, and why?
The emphasis in this session will be on the pedagogies of synchronous versus asynchronous teaching and learning--how these approaches can help you achieve your goals for student learning during remote instruction. While we will discuss the affordances that technology can provide for achieving your goals, this session will not provide step-by step instructions for using online tools. Please see the training programs offered by instructional technology for specific help in using tools.
For Bring Your Best Idea sessions, we (locally) crowdsource answers to questions such as these. Please bring your best ideas for choosing between asynchronous or synchronous modes for developing engaging activities and assignments to this lively, collaborative, and fast-paced sharing session. At the beginning of the session, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on this theme and write a brief description of a problem or a strategy related to the theme. Anyone who has an idea to share with the whole group will have two minutes to describe it. No slides please, though you may submit a one-page handout in advance to and we will share it with the group, if you wish. After 20-30 minutes of sharing ideas, we’ll shift to Q&A and discussion. Whether or not you bring an idea to share, you’ll leave this session with new food for thought and several new ideas you might try in your own course.
The emphasis in this session will be on the pedagogies of synchronous versus asynchronous teaching and learning--how these approaches can help you achieve your goals for student learning during remote instruction. While we will discuss the affordances that technology can provide for achieving your goals, this session will not provide step-by step instructions for using online tools. Please see the training programs offered by instructional technology for specific help in using tools.
Please click “Going” below to reserve your seat for this session,
and we will send you a Google calendar invitation with a WebEx link one
hour before the session. If you register less than an hour before the
session, you will receive the WebEx link when you register. Please email
if you have any questions. If you have registered and find that you can
no longer attend, please kindly release your spot so that others may
√ Counts toward ALIT Certificate
§ Counts towards INNOVATE Certificate
§ Counts towards INNOVATE Certificate