
Sitar Arts Center Hosts Art Exhibition by Jonathan Zwi

Sitar Arts Center will be hosting an opening reception of 3S, a series of paintings by UMBC Music affiliate artist in guitar, Jonathan Zwi.  In addition to being a classically trained...

Posted: January 22, 2020, 4:03 PM

Prof. Emeritus Salkever discusses reality of real wage rise

New Policy Brief available now

Public Policy Professor Emeritus David Salkever has released a new policy brief examining the reality of real wage rise over the past few years compared to economic reporting in national media. ...

Posted: January 22, 2020, 12:01 PM

Publ's Dr. Tormos-Aponte featured on SSN podcast No Jargon

Where climate organizing stands now: justice & equity

What does it take to sustain a global climate movement?  In the latest episode of the Scholars Strategy Network podcast No Jargon, Public Policy/Political Science Postdoctoral Fellow Fernando...

Posted: January 21, 2020, 3:29 PM

New faculty member arriving Fall 2020

Mir Usman Ali joins us from Indiana Univ's O'Neill School

The School of Public Policy at UMBC is excited to announce that Mir Usman Ali will be joining us as an assistant professor in Fall 2020. Dr. Ali's work on police accountability and citizen...

Posted: January 21, 2020, 2:51 PM

The Museum of the Old Colony - Opens at CADVC Jan 30

Exhibit surveys the history of US involvement in Puerto Rico

The Museum of the Old Colony Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture, UMBC Thursday, January 30, 2020 — Saturday, March 14, 2020  Opening Reception, Thursday, January 30th, 5 to 7pm...

Posted: January 17, 2020, 9:15 AM

UMBC Dept. of Education Equity and Excellence Lecture

Thursday, January 23rd at 5pm

Dr. Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz of Columbia University will be discussing an action-oriented framework which works against racial injustice.  Discover how racial literacy enables all of us to actively...

Posted: January 14, 2020, 11:07 AM

Paid Internships with Project College Ready!

Work with Refugee Youth Project after school program

Site Coordinator Position: ●  Mid-January-Mid May, 8-10 hrs/week, must be available Tuesday/Thursday 2:15-4:15pm, other hours flexible ●  Duties include...

Posted: January 3, 2020, 2:17 PM

State commitment to Bikeways honors MPP alumna Kim Lamphier

Governor makes $3.8 mil/year available, for two years.

In December, the office of Governor Hogan announced that his administration will make $3.8 million available per year in the next two years for the Bikeways Network Program, in honor of the Kim...

Posted: January 2, 2020, 3:31 PM

Public policy cybersecurity research makes waves in industry

Report by Norris and Mateczun is highly cited in articles

Research published last year by Professor Emeritus Don Norris and Ph.D. student Laura Mateczun has been cited recently in multiple reports and articles covering the growing threats to...

Posted: January 2, 2020, 2:20 PM


Baltimore City Council Campaign

Hi Poli-Sci Students, I am emailing to inform you that Baltimore City Council Candidate Paris Bienert is running a competitive race for Baltimore City Council in the First District. She is...

Posted: December 19, 2019, 12:34 PM