Seminar and Chat: Dr. Panagopoulos on Climate Change
Nature-Based Solutions
On Tues., Apr. 25, Dr. Thomas Panagopoulos (Universidade do Algarve in Portugal) will join GES on UMBC's campus to engage in a 2-part event. 2-3 PM: Chat with Graduate Students - Sondheim 210...
Posted: April 24, 2023, 11:42 AM

Weds 4/26 - To Say Their Own Word Archival Project
Baltimore Field School Spring Showcase
Join us this Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 6-9 PM Off Campus Location: The Real News Network 231 N. Holliday St. Baltimore, MD 21202 Baltimore Field School Spring Showcase: To Say...
Posted: April 24, 2023, 11:28 AM

Student Profile: Lewis Hollander
Why this student sports videographer chose UMBC
By: Jadyn Spradlin Photo Credit: Lewis Hollander Though Lewis Hollander is only a freshman at UMBC, his videography is on scale with work produced by professionals. His instagram account...
Posted: April 24, 2023, 10:10 AM

Upcoming Department Seminars
Apr 25, Apr 26, May 3
The GES Department cordially invites you to our next seminars of the Spring 2023 semester. Tues., Apr. 25, 4 PM Dr. Thomas Panagopoulos (Universidade do Algarve in Portugal) will speak on...
Posted: April 24, 2023, 9:31 AM
PhD student Sifat explores AI and health policy analysis
Publ. editorial on ChatGPT uses and future in policymaking
Public Policy Ph.D. student Ridwan Islam Sifat has published an editorial article in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering. "ChatGPT and the future of health policy analysis: Potential and...
Posted: April 21, 2023, 11:23 AM

Dr. Charles Ichoku - Faculty Announcement
Professor and GESTAR Center II Director
Welcome Dr. Charles Ichoku, who joined our GES faculty this semester as a professor and as the new director of the UMBC-led Goddard Earth Science Technology and Research (GESTAR) Center II! ...
Posted: April 20, 2023, 10:08 AM

TONIGHT! (4/19) Virtual Law School Admissions Panel 6pm
Hear from Admissions Officers from 8 Different Law Schools!
UMBC's Pre-Law Society is hosting a virtual Law School Admissions Panel tonight (Wednesday, April 19) from 6-8 pm! Hear from admissions officers from the following law schools: PANEL 1:...
Posted: April 19, 2023, 3:10 PM
Student Profile: Sophia Blackwell
Meet Sophia Blackwell, a Media and Communication Studies sen
By: Louna Temsah Photo Credit: Sophia Blackwell Sophia will be graduating this spring and looking forward to working close to her home and family for the government. Coming back to school...
Posted: April 19, 2023, 2:19 PM

TOMORROW Poli Sci Spring Reception UC 312 4pm-6pm
All Graduating Seniors are Welcome! Free Food!
Free Food! Awards! Live Music! This event is open to all students and their families, we welcome you all to join in the celebration Celebrate with us on April 20th from 4pm-6pm in UC 312 ...
Posted: April 19, 2023, 11:27 AM
Earth Week: Friday Events
Earth Day Symposium and Memorandum of Understanding Signing
This Friday, April 21st, UMBC's Earth Week activities culminate in the Seventh Annual UMBC Earth Day Symposium as well as the Memorandum of Understanding Ceremonial Signing. Both include multiple...
Posted: April 19, 2023, 11:25 AM
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