AUDITION for UMBC's Jazz Groups
So, do you like jazz? There are currently six jazz groups at UMBC, the Jazz Ensemble, four small groups, and the Jazz Guitar Ensemble. The audition is the same for all groups. Non-traditional instruments are welcome. Make music! Make friends! Receive course credit!
Also, we host our own jazz festival every spring. Recent guests include saxophonist Charlie Young, latin jazz drummer Vince Cherico, drummer Allison Miller, bassist Ben Allison, trumpeter Steven Bernstein, bassist Ben Street, pianist Larry Willis, tubist/saxophonist Howard Johnson, and saxophonist George Garzone. In addition to hosting our own festival, our students perform regularly off campus and at other area festivals.
Auditions will take place on Sunday, August 29, 2021 from 1pm to 3pm in the Music Box (PAHB 151). A sign-up sheet will be posted on the door. Walk-ins will also be welcome. Please contact Director Matt Belzer ( if you have a conflict with this date and time.
Posted: August 17, 2021, 4:09 PM