Manis Canning & Associates Internship PAID
Gain valuable state policy experience!!!
Applicant must be self-motivated; possess a level of maturity and interest necessary to complete assignments with little supervision; and possess good writing, communication, and computer skills.
Knowledge of state issues and structure is a plus for this position. MCA’s office and the General Assembly buildings are located in downtown Annapolis. Walking from MCA’s office to the General Assembly and government buildings will be required.
The internship begins in early-January just prior to the beginning of the General Assembly session through mid-April. The General Assembly session starts on January 12, 2022 and ends on Monday, April 11, 2022.
A stipend comparable to that of the General Assembly internship program will be offered.
Submit letter of interest and resume to Andrea Mansfield at
Contact Andrea Mansfield at or 410-263-7882 if you have questions regarding MCA or internship responsibilities.
See attached flyer for more information
Posted: November 16, 2021, 1:39 PM