Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition
Shenita Denson's article selected
Shenita Denson (LLC Cohort 22)'s peer-reviewed article, "It
Doesn't Have to Protest: A review of Black or Right: Anti/Racist Campus
Rhetorics," published in Writers: Craft & Context has been selected for the Best of
the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition 2022, which is published
by Parlor Press. The Best Of series recognizes
exciting scholarship that is occurring throughout the field's journals and provides
a current snapshot as to exigent themes, trends, and ideas within Writing
Dozens of nominations from journal editors across the field were received and were sent to reading groups across the US, with over 100 people participating in reading nominations and ranking them. 10 articles were chosen to be featured. Shenita's article is the first book review to be selected for the Best Of series and it was nominated due to her pushing boundaries of writing.
The link to the article can be found here:
Posted: August 9, 2022, 9:59 AM