Seminar and Chat: Dr. Panagopoulos on Climate Change
Nature-Based Solutions
On Tues., Apr. 25, Dr. Thomas Panagopoulos (Universidade do Algarve in Portugal) will join GES on UMBC's campus to engage in a 2-part event.
2-3 PM: Chat with Graduate Students - Sondheim 210
4-5 PM: Seminar on "Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change" - Commons 329 and on WebEx.
Come on out for this exciting opportunity to learn about climate change solutions from a visiting researcher! Dr. Panagopoulos's CV is attached and his bio is below.
Seminar Abstract:
Mass urbanization presents one of the most urgent challenges of the 21st century. A fast-growing percentage of the European population lives in urban areas. Quality of city life and the attractiveness of cities are key parameters for success in the global competition for growth. It will be presented a case of biophilic urbanism using a project of river restoration. The project was inspired by nature-based solutions to reduce the risks of climate change. The new urban design for Portuguese cities reflects humanity's innate need for contact with nature. The project created a sense of place by recovering a stream, and bringing live in streets reconnecting citizens with nature and the history of the place. The green and blue infrastructure provide multiple sociocultural benefits and ecosystem services. It is less cost-intense and brings long-term benefits that will enhance city resilience and improve human health and wellbeing. Environmental justice should be considered in urban planning. More research is needed on biophilic planning approaches for different size cities, located in various climatic zones, with diverse ethnic composition, income, quality of urban life.
Speaker Bio:
Thomas Panagopoulos (Dr.) is a professor of landscape architecture at the University of Algarve in Portugal. He received his MSc in renewable natural resources in 1992 and PhD in forestry and natural environment in 1995. He is currently the coordinator of the research area Sustainable Tourism and Territories at the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being, and a member of the coordinating body of the PhD Program in Innovation and Land Management. Has been Department Head and Landscape Architecture Master Degree Director at the University of Algarve, Portugal. He is a reviewer and member of the Editorial Board of several reputed International Journals on Land, Sustainability, and Environmental Management. He has acted as principal investigator, co-principal investigator, and investigator in a total of approved funding of over 8 million euros. This is a result of his research strategy that crosses many disciplinary boundaries to create a holistic transdisciplinary approach to science, and his multi-cultured background in fostering research at the international level. Besides, he has vast experience in working on many European and private projects. Currently is coordinating the projects: BIODES "Improving life in a changing urban environment through Biophilic Design"; RESTORE: Rethinking Sustainability towards a Regenerative Economy; TrailGazers Enhancing natural and cultural assets to stimulate economic development. EuroGuadiana: "Laboratorio Europeo de gobernanza transfronteriza". He has also served many cities to develop their sustainability plan. Since 2011: Executive board of the UNISCAPE (the Network of Universities for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention).
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Posted: April 24, 2023, 11:42 AM