Alumni Spotlight: Rebecca Guy
Theory and Application in Everyday Life
Written by Dan Glenon
Photo Credit: Justin Sweeney
Rebecca Guy is an example of how the lessons from MCS have made her ready for anything that work life has thrown at her. Since her shift into media production, Rebecca realized that the lessons she learned about intent in media are applied and present across every major brand she has worked with. And thanks to the diverse skill set she learned through the MCS curriculum, Rebecca knows the production process from beginning as a thought to a finished product.
Q: The basics! Who are you? Where are you from? What interested you in media studies? What are you doing now?
A: I'm Rebecca, originally from LaPlata; a small-ish town in Southern Maryland. I chose MCS because it offered classes broad enough for me to experience the many sides of media related work but also offered specialized tracks once I decided which avenue to pursue. And when entering a field as broad as "media," it really helped me to know I was making the right decision for my future. Now, I'm a Producer making TV, radio, streaming, and social media ads at a post production house in Baltimore. Some of our bigger clients include Toyota, Dick's Sporting Goods, and Pandora Jewelry, just to name a few.
Q: Is there a particular teacher that left a lasting impact on you? What lesson left that impact?
A: I believe it was Professor Adelman who incorporated into every lesson that everything you see in media is done "on purpose and by design." If an actor is wearing a blue shirt, it wasn't because the wardrobe department found a sale on blue shirts. Every decision was made to convey a message and it's important to know what that message is. It's taught me to closer examine the media I consume and certain details of life as well. Even the most inconspicuous detail has a purpose and is worth it, or even necessary, to take the time to dissect. And I would be remiss if I didn't mention Dr. Loviglio's lesson "consider the source" which is a good lesson in general but especially so when consuming media.
Q: After you started your first job in your career path, how prepared did you feel after going through the MCS program?
A: The MCS program set me up for a lot of success in my career path. I was taught the analytical, the philosophical, the technical, the practical, and the theoretical aspects of media which afforded me a wealth of knowledge and experience, making me a well-rounded candidate for employment.
Q. Is there a particular movie, show, song, or game that you love that you look at differently after going through the MCS program?
A. Reality television will never be the same to me. After seeing what can be done through clever writing, producing, and editing, I learned it's easy to create something that feels raw and unscripted when in reality, everything was done "on purpose and by design." 😉
Q: Any advice you want to offer to MCS students? Any ideas for the teachers after being out of school for a few years?
A: Don't be afraid to ask for advice from someone in your desired position. I've learned that a lot of people in senior positions are more than happy to share tips and pass down their knowledge to recent graduates looking to get started in the field. Ask to shadow someone for a day, ask for tours, ask for anything you think might help you along your career. A lot of doors will open if you simply knock.
Posted: December 11, 2023, 1:07 PM