Alumni Spotlight: Meet Marisa Haas
Life after graduation as an MCS major
By: Sofia Brouse
Photo Credit: [Photo taken at UMBC Career Fair headshot booth, photographer unknown]
Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing MCS graduate Marisa Haas about what her life looks like after graduating college this past Spring. During this interview, Marisa discusses how completing her MCS degree at UMBC has helped her with her career after college along with where she sees herself in the future.
What is your name, major, and when did you graduate from UMBC? Do you have any interests or hobbies outside of work?
“My name is Marisa Haas, my major was in Media and Communication Studies and I graduated this past Spring of 2023. Outside of work, I enjoy cooking, scrap booking, running, growing plants and spending time with my family.”
What are you doing now that you are out of school? How are you enjoying it?
“Now that I am out of school I work a full time job with an HVAC Company named Daikin Applied as a Sales Coordinator. I am enjoying it! I have learned a lot about the mechanical side of HVAC as well as how to assert myself in professional settings, how to network as well as how to be a great team player.”
What does your day typically look like now that you have graduated from UMBC?
“My day starts at 5 am when I wake up and get ready for my day. I stretch every morning, sometimes I boil some oatmeal before work and drink a coffee, other days I'll stop by a local coffee shop on my way in. I will leave my house by 6:40am and get to work by 7am. Once I get to work I assess the jobs and projects that need the most attention and focus on getting them worked through. I will leave work around 3:30 and head home to which I normally try to take my son to the park/ play ball with him and start to make dinner. Once I make dinner I sit down to eat with my family and we watch a movie or just hang out together.”
Now that you have had some experience with life outside of college, how did your time in the MCS department at UMBC prepare you for your career?
“I feel that my major best prepared me for opposing thoughts and personalities that are in this world. Media and Communications has helped me see the bigger and symbolic meaning that is in my industry now as well as the people's lives that I work with.”
Tell me about a lesson that you learned during your time at UMBC that proved to be helpful in your time as a graduate.
“One lesson I learned while at UMBC was to not judge anyone you see, people are complex beings and there is more to a person than how they come off. Plus, all people are weird and we are not the judge of that.”
Where do you see yourself professionally in 5 years?
“In 5 years, I see myself taking every opportunity I get to grow either in my business or taking a new opportunity. I see myself satisfied with my growth and to keep reaching for the next endeavor.”
If you had to give one piece of advice to students who are about to graduate, what would it be?
“My piece of advice would be to keep your head up and to not give up on yourself. It can be tricky navigating life after graduation but keep your eyes open to opportunity even if it is not your ideal job, plan or goal, always remember you can build on skills and opportunities and to keep striving for the direction you want to head in.”
Posted: December 11, 2023, 1:13 PM