Student Profile: Rose Crame
By: Amirah Adigun
Photo Credit: Edwin Royales
A Junior here at UMBC, with an expected graduation in Spring 2025, Rose Crame is an MCS Major with a Minor in Entrepreneurship. She is also a member of the Students Events Board (S.E.B) after recently joining in Spring 2023. The S.E.B is responsible for planning tons of on-campus activities for the purpose of creating a community for students to engage in social life with other students to meet new people and have fun. Rose describes being in the S.E.B as “...versatile job that allows me to not only get back into graphic design but really get in touch with the student body.” Rose has skills in graphic design and collaborates with the S.E.B design team on their Instagram page.
When asked how she got started in this skill for graphic design, she replied, her journey began when she was eleven years-old. Rose had just started attending a magnet high school and was a part of the exploratory program. There were two classes that stood out for her, Mass Communication and Visual Art, which inspired her to pursue an MCS Degree. After her first magnet program (specialized class in a certain field), she would go on to pursue another magnet program called Interactive Media Production, Rose says this program “...taught me so much regarding graphic design.”, a skill that she excels at today and uses it in many of her class projects as well as outside of school.
When asked if she was interested in pursuing a future career in graphic design she stated “I’m more interested in social media marketing.” She mentions how although she loves graphic design, she has other avenues in media communications that she would like to explore further. Rose mentions how she is very interested in improving her management skills. She really loves making marketing content and she loves reaching out to an audience and establishing a connection.
Being a junior at UMBC, she recalls her most insightful class in the MCS Department, one of the them being MCS 222 “Introduction to Media & Communication Studies” with Prof Devos. She describes this class as important because it gave her an insight to the history of media and how it relates to modern day which she found really sparked her brain. Rose quotes this class as a “strong foundation moving forward in my chosen career field.” She further explains how this class was integral to understanding the foundations of media and describes her teacher as a very relatable and knowledgeable professor which made the class enjoyable and very insightful for her.
When asked about what is her biggest motivation she mentions how her parents are her biggest inspiration. In her own words “They’re very hard working no nonsense type of people and I wish I had a fraction of that focus.” She also mentions another motivation for her is the feeling of regret. She describes her detest for that feeling because she does not want to look back on any part of her life and regret not taking an opportunity or chance at something she really wanted because it would mean she would not know the outcome of it. Rose takes every opportunity she can to try anything she wants because the only way to move forward is to try.
Outside of school some of her hobbies include reading, shopping, video editing, playing the Sims 4 and many other activities. Although she has not been able to get into any new books lately because of school and other important life activities, reading still remains a part of her that she will always be connected to. She also mentions how shopping is her “retail therapy" because she loves finding clothing items that add to her closet collection and these new unique pieces really make her day because it gives her a way to decompress with a lot of the school work she manages. She mentions she’s been listening to “Glue Song” by beabadoobee ft.Clario on repeat lately as it is a “ It’s such a sweet and raw song that just makes me happy”.
Posted: December 12, 2023, 11:55 AM