IMDA exhibition opening at CADVC; April 4, 5-7pm
“Not Grounded” – the 2024 IMDA MFA Thesis Exhibition
CADVC – Center for Art, Design, and Visual Culture
UMBC Campus
Free and open to the public

CADVC is excited to present “Not Grounded: the 2024 IMDA MFA Thesis Exhibition” from April 5 to April 27. This year's MFA exhibition features graduate student artists Elly Kalantari, Andrew Liang, Kristin Putchinski and Ann Zellhofer.
Please celebrate with the Center for Art, Design, and Visual Culture, and the artists of the UMBC Intermedia and Digital Arts Master’s Program at the opening reception on April 4, from 5 pm to 7 pm. All are welcome!
Related Programming:
April 4, 5-7pm Opening reception
April 10, 9-11am Kristin Putchinski thesis defense
April 17, 11-1pm Elly Kalantari thesis defense
April 18, 12-1pm RKTL Lecture: Elly Kalantari
April 23, 3-5pm Andrew Liang thesis defense
April 25, 11-1pm Ann Zellhofer thesis defense
All events are free and open to the public.
Please note: MFA Thesis defenses must be conducted in a closed-door room according to university protocols. After a defense begins, audiences will not be admitted, and will be requested not to exit, for the duration of the first full hour.
Please visit this webpage to learn more about the exhibition!
If you need any specific accommodations at one of our events or to experience the exhibition, please contact CADVC at or 410-455-3188 as soon as possible.
[Images: 1. CADVC logo: "Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture" in white text against black background. 2. This is a poster with black text on white background. To the left is a graphic including letters with different sizes, arranged vertically to form the words “Not Grounded.” At the top right corner is a text that reads “2024 IMDA MFA Thesis Exhibition April 5 - 27, 2024.” At the bottom right corners are names “Ann Zellhofer,” “Kristin Putchinski,” “Elly Kalantari,” and “Andrew Liang.”]
Posted: April 1, 2024, 11:21 AM