Student Profile: Lauren Moxley
Experience, advice, and dreams for the future
By: Parker Vogel
Photo Credit: Lauren Moxley
Lauren Moxley is a junior in the Media and Communication Studies program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and pursuing a minor in Political Science
Lauren chose UMBC versus her other option, University of Maryland (UMD), primarily because of the campus size; she opted for the circular, tight-knit spacing that encompasses all of the UMBC buildings over the potential difficult commutes, 20-minute walks to classes, and bus rides around the campus’s college town at UMD. Following that choice, Lauren’s decision of a major and ultimately the MCS degree first began with English before a quick search online brought her to seeing public relations as a job on the rise. She saw herself in that role or some form of social media, marketing, or branding, and MCS was simply the best fit; after starting, she was surprised how enjoyable the varying aspects of the major were, and didn’t know how something like UMBC’s videography and podcasting classes would go (especially when considering how much different editing softwares would come into use), but found them to be a unique balance and outlet for creativity as opposed to core and GED courses. She remarks that UMBC provides so much under the umbrella of MCS, and that alone gives the learning opportunities about paths available to MCS students outside of marketing or public relations.
On campus, Lauren has been and is involved in many organizations, including the Tennis Club as their social media manager for the fall of 2022 and the spring of 2023, The Retriever as their current social media manager, UMBC’s sports broadcasting for the fall and winter of 2023, the Political Science Council of Majors constructing some Instagram posts, and a book club! Not only that, but Lauren’s intern experience has also brought her on campus into the Department of Professional Programs, acting as a communications intern where she writes posts for their blog consisting of graduate student tips, encouraging applications to UMBC’s graduate program, and providing information on current events at UMBC. Lauren also transcribes podcasts, creates Instagram content that highlights students and staff through the university’s graduate program, and provides focus on outstanding industries that align with the presently available programs.
Lauren’s other working opportunities include iHeart Radio, where she was able to help with promotional work for a few events per month. One of the events was a contest promotion at a boat show, but the largest event Lauren worked was the Jingle Bell Ball in the winter of 2023, working the meet and greet with the iHeart Radio hosts before being allowed to see NCT Dream and Flo Rida right at the side of the stage. She also briefly met Kendall of Big Time Rush in passing!
Lauren describes her experience as supportive; it might seem overwhelming as a freshman coming into the university, but not knowing where to start is natural and UMBC has so many networking and experience opportunities available - many times right on its doorstep. She encourages prospective and new students to meet with professors and discover their background and ask who they have connections with. MCS 144’s course really sets a tone and understanding of what to do to find professional opportunities and manage yourself in a professional way, and encourages the exploration of any internship because it will ultimately teach you your likes and dislikes while giving you practical experience. For example, Lauren cites thoroughly enjoying her current role with the Department of Professional Programs, and realized that the broadcasting work she did wasn’t fully the correct fit.
Looking into the future, Lauren has an internship lined up for the summer of 2024 at Underwriters Laboratories, a national safety organization located in Washington, D.C. that helps to manage fire safety. Her role will consist of heavy public relations work, gathering pertinent information from scientists in the lab and relaying it to the public. She truly loves to write, and sees her work continuing in that way. Her realistic goal for a career is internal communications and public relations work at a company, but she finds her dream to be running social media for a touring musician.
Posted: May 20, 2024, 11:38 AM