ASCSA Academic Program
Dear UMBC Ancient Studies Community,
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) is holding the first of three information sessions about the ASCSA Academic Year Program on Zoom, at 1:00pm (ET) on Tuesday, September 17.
All prospective applicants to the Academic Year Program for 2025/2026 are welcome. The event requires online registration in advance.
Later sessions will be offered at 11:00am (ET) on Monday, October 21, and at 2:00pm (ET) on Wednesday, December 4.
Later sessions will be offered at 11:00am (ET) on Monday, October 21, and at 2:00pm (ET) on Wednesday, December 4.
For more information, please link to:
See the attached flier.
Posted: August 30, 2024, 12:21 PM