2025 RDRC Dissertation and Thesis Grant Applications Open
Deadline: January 14
The School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, in collaboration with the Heller School of Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University sponsors an annual Dissertation and Thesis Grant Program in the field of retirement, health and disability research through their Retirement and Disability Research Center (RDRC). This RDRC program provides grant support to master’s and/or doctoral students to pursue research or support a thesis or capstone study focused on retirement, health and disability, with funding from the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA).
The grant proposal must address one of SSA’s 2025 research focal areas:
Focal Area 1: Understanding Service Needs and Improving Service Delivery
Focal Area 2: Studying Causes and Inequities of Overpayment and Underpayment
Focal Area 3. Addressing Barriers to Disability and SSI Programs Participation and Processes
Focal Area 4: Understanding and Improving Communication
Focal Area 5. Identifying Disparities by Race, Ethnicity, and Sex
Focal Area 6: Examining Economic Security of Program Applicants and Beneficiaries
Focal Area 7: Addressing Employment Barriers for People with Disabilities
FY 2025 SSA focal areas can be found here: https://www.ssa.gov/policy/extramural/index.html#rdrc
Dissertation and Thesis Grants
$8,000 grants will be awarded to master’s and doctoral students enrolled in an accredited program at a U.S. university. We encourage individuals from historically underserved or underrepresented communities to apply. We are interested in supporting doctoral students both pre and post comprehensive examination completion and candidacy, as well as master’s students conducting thesis research or conducting a capstone study. The grant recipients may be asked to present their work to the Social Security Administration in Washington, DC or Baltimore, MD. Awardees may also be asked to attend the RDRC Annual Meeting.
Applicants should submit a 1,000-word proposal that describes the research work they propose and its connection to an SSA research focal area, as well as a discussion of how the grant will be used; a CV; and a letter of support from the applicant’s advisor. Materials should be emailed to Melanie Keys (mkeys3@umbc.edu). The deadline for the 2025 Dissertation and Thesis Grant Program is January 14, 2025.
Additional information
Please contact Melanie Keys (mkeys3@umbc.edu) with any questions about the Dissertation and Thesis Grant Program.
Posted: January 9, 2025, 12:22 PM