CFP: Resistance to Teaching Anti-Racism
We are seeking contributions for a special issue of the Official Journal of the White Privilege Conference,Understanding and Dismantling Privilege, to be co-edited by Dr. Ruth Thompson-Miller, Dr. Leslie Picca (both at the University of Dayton),
and Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr. (founder/director of the White Privilege Conference).
We are interested in essays that examine ordinary and
extraordinary strategies to overcoming resistance in teaching
anti-racism (broadly defined).
Submissions should conform to one of the four journal
sections: Research, Tools & Strategies, Creative Work &
Self-Reflection, or Youth Voices.
Relevant topics might include:
-How do people who teach courses on racial justice and related topics experience and manage different kinds of resistance?
-How do people who teach courses on racial justice and related topics experience and manage different kinds of resistance?
-What are examples of acts of resistance in teaching
anti-racism in the classroom (such as negative course evaluations,
denial of promotion, hate email)? Or in the community, workforce, with
family, in places of worship, or in the media? What are
pro-active strategies and best practices that can be implemented?
-How do faculty of color face resistance in the classroom, even if they do not discuss race and ethnicity?
Please submit a one-page proposal abstract (no more than 400 words) by July 1, 2013 to (Kindly put "WPC Journal" in the subject heading.) Contributors will be provided with feedback from the editors by
July 15, 2013. Complete paper submissions will be due to the editors by September 1, 2013; all submissions will undergo the WPC blind review journal process.
Posted: May 30, 2013, 11:43 AM