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CFP: Challenges & Opportunities in the Digital Age

Herrenhäuser Konferenz

05.12.2013-07.12.2013, Hannover, Schloss Herrenhausen
Deadline: 15.08.2013

We invite early career researchers to participate in our below mentioned
event. Therefore, the Volkswagen Foundation offers Travel Grants for
young researchers who wish to attend the conference.

Our objective is to present new research questions and / or new
methodological or technological approaches arising from digital
humanities and by this challenging the traditional humanist perspective.
The question is: What specific value does your project add to the
digital humanities?

As a general rule, researchers eligible for the travel grant are Ph.D.
students, Postdocs or Assistant Professors. More detailed information
about the Travel Grants and the applications proccess can be found under

Applicants are required to apply until August 15, 2013

In times of digitization, internet, and mobile communication, the
humanities can build on new, empirically driven methods to gain new
insights. But what are the implications of this mode of knowledge
production for the various disciplines subsumed under the term
humanities, their methods and research objects, and for the role the
humanities should and could play in society? Together with experts from
the various fields of the humanities, we would like to facilitate a
dialogue between protagonists who embrace digital tools and those
following and sustaining more traditional approaches.

What kind of knowledge can we expect?
What could be lost relying solely on digitally driven methods? What are
the opportunities offered by the digital technologies, and what kind of
challenges do these developments pose for the humanities?

Please find the program at www.volkswagenstiftung.de/digitalhumanities

We invite researchers embracing digital humanities and scholars
criticizing the digital tools to reflect on the developments, and to
deliberate together about the future of the digital humanities.

Posted: June 17, 2013, 11:53 AM