2014 Kinetic Sculpture Design Contest
Win $250 if your design is chosen!
Interdisciplinary Studies at UMBC invites undergraduate students of engineering, visual arts, environmental science, journalism, and interdisciplinary studies to submit a design proposal for a kinetic sculpture (a bicycle powered work of art).
Interdisciplinary Studies will offer a $250 prize to the winning design for a kinetic sculpture that will be built by a UMBC team of students and entered into the Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race. To explore themes of sustainability, the working title for the kinetic sculpture is the “Trashmonster Upcycle.” Our goal is to put the notion of upcycling ("converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or for better environmental value") into motion by collecting discarded materials (also known as trash) that could be used as part of a bicycle powered sculpture.
For more information, please visit the UMBC Kinetic Sculpture Race blog at http://kineticumbc.blogspot.com and the Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race web site at http://www.kineticbaltimore.com/.
RFP guidelines:
Please submit a description of up to 300 words and a detailed sketch for a kinetic sculpture powered by either 2 or 4 cyclists. The narrative must address the following questions:
1. What are the overall dimensions?
2. What are primary construction materials?
3. Do you propose incorporating regular bicycle frames or starting from “scratch” in a recumbent rider position?
4. How will the vehicle navigate roads, water, and mud?
Materials that could be used for aesthetic, structural or flotation purposes include:
- water cooler bottles
- buckets
- PVC pipe
- discarded lumber or shipping pallets
- old bicycle frames/wheels/ gears
- renewable materials such as bamboo
Posted: February 7, 2014, 5:42 PM