ENTR Speaker: Melinda Wittstock Founder & CEO, Verifeed
Outside the Box: Finding Your Path as a Female Entrepreneur
A venture capitalist once told Melinda she "didn't fit the pattern". She doesn't. She's not an engineer. She doesn't spend any time in her garage, and ramen? Too many carbs. Women have a hard time raising the capital they need to launch high-growth technology businesses and Melinda is going to talk about how women can reinvent the rules - sharing her most valuable lessons (most of them from failing). Success is all about being resilient, agile
and non-stop learning. She'll tell you what not to do - as much as what to do!
Melinda is a serial social media and 'Big Data' entrepreneur, acknowledged thought-leader in leveraging social data for actionable insights, and awardwinning content creator. With 20 years experience across many of the world’s top media brands (BBC, London Times, ABC News, CNBC, MSNBC) and having launched her own successful businesses, Melinda brings deep cross-disciplinary expertise, proven agile iteration strategies for measurable innovation in product, social engagement and win-win business development for start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.
Melinda Wittstock, Founder and CEO of Verifeed, will be speaking on Wed Apr 30, noon-1 in UC 310.
Posted: March 12, 2014, 10:19 AM