CFP: Service-Learning & Civic Engagement Conference
American University, March 28, 2015
The Service-Learning & Civic Engagement Conference (SLCE) is an annual event hosted by the Maryland – D.C. Campus Compact, a network of universities and individuals dedicated to creating strong civic engagement, service-learning, and community partnerships in the Maryland and D.C. area. On March 28, 2015, roughly 300 students, faculty, staff, and community partners will gather at American University to discuss the achievements and challenges made over the last year – and the work that still has to be done moving forward.
The conference will feature concurrent workshops led by faculty, staff, students, and/or community organization representatives. The SLCE planning committee is now accepting workshop proposals as well as poster session proposals in the following topics:
1. CONNECT: Community Partnerships-What are the best practices in "connection" for community-campus partnerships, and what are we learning? Examples in this area include the process of initiating and sustaining community-campus partnerships, setting short and long-term goals, the outcomes and impacts of these efforts, and innovative initiatives with community organizations. Presentations should include partner voice.
2. CREATE: Social Change Leadership-How do our campus communities "create" active citizens and promote social change? Examples include campus advocacy efforts, awareness campaigns, student led service initiatives, postgraduate social justice work and careers, innovative ways to discuss diversity topics such as race, oppression, privilege, and social identity.
3. REFLECT: Academic Service-Learning-How is the community and its main issues integrated into the classroom? How do faculty, students, partners, and staff critically “reflect” upon these issues, partnerships, and impacts? Examples include service-learning course design and best practices, faculty development, reflective practice, student success stories, next steps after a service-learning course, community-based research initiatives, living-learning communities, service-learning course assessment and impact.
Proposals due by Friday, January 23, 2015 by 11:55 pm.
Proposal submission questions may be directed to Corinne DeRoberts, Towson University, at 410-704-5764 or
Posted: January 14, 2015, 11:32 AM