Opportunity To Present Your Reasearch
Hi Everyone,I would like to bring your attention to some possibilities that you have to present research papers you may have hiding in your computers.1) Pi Sigma Alpha Undergraduate Research Conference at UMBCThis year Pi Sigma Alpha (the national political science honors society) will host an undergraduate research conference for students to present work they have done in Political Science. The work can be an independent study you have completed or something you have completed for a class you have taken at UMBC or elsewhere. Students who participate in the conference present their work on large posters that will be displayed on Wednesday APRIL 15, 2015 from 11am to 1pm. It is a fun opportunity for students to present their work to faculty and students in Political Science in a smaller environment. Please email Carolyn Forestiere if you are interested (forestie@umbc.edu).2) Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD)URCAD is a wonderful day on our campus when hundreds of students present their work as either poster or oral presentations. This year URCAD is on April 22nd. Any work you have done in Political Science can be presented as a poster or oral presentation. Please participate if you are interested. Feel free to ask Carolyn Forestiere (forestie@umbc.edu) any questions you may have and please refer to this website for information about URCAD:I look forward to seeing you present your work!All best,Carolyn Forestiere, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Posted: February 3, 2015, 2:39 PM