Contributions from LLC members to academia
News about publications and conference presentations
One of the important activities of academic life is to actively participate in spaces where research is shared, discussed, and disseminated. These practices are represented in publications, conference presentations or community activism activities, among others. Members of our LLC community—faculty, students, and alumni— continuously enrich the academic landscape by participating in those spaces.
We want to share with our LLC friends some of the activities that our faculty and students have engaged in during the previous months.
Dr. Claudia Galindo:
Hampden-Thompson, G. & Galindo, C. (2015) Family structure instability and the educational persistence of young people in England. British Educational Research Journal, 1-18.
Sanders, M. & Galindo, C. (2014) Communities,schools and teachers. In Bauserman, L. Martin, S. Kragler, & D. Quatroche (Eds.) The Handbook of Professional Development, PK-12: Successful Models and Practices. New York, NY: Guilford Publishing.
Dr. Craig Saper:
Saper, C., Ulmer, G.L., Vitanza, V.J. (Eds.). (2015). Electracy: Gregory Ulmer’s Textshop Experiments. Aurora, CO: The Davies Group Publishers.
Saper, C. (Ed.). (2014). Readies: by Bob Brown. Baltimore, MD: Roving Eye Press.
Saper, C. (Ed.) (2014). Words: I But Bend My Finger in a Beckon and Words, Birds of Words, Hop on It, Chirping: by Bob Brown. Baltimore, MD: Roving Eye Press.
Saper, C. (Ed.) (2014). GEMS: A Censored Anthology: by Bob Brown. Baltimore, MD: Roving Eye Press.
Conference Presentations
AERA 2015 Annual Meeting "Toward Justice: Culture, Language, and Heritage in Education Research and Praxis" (April 16-20, 2015) - Chicago Illinois
- Claudia Galindo & Tymofey Wowk: “The Social-Emotional Development of Latino English Language Learners: Impact of the Classroom Environment”
- Thomas Penniston: “Applied and Service-Learning Quantitative Outcomes”
- Amy Pucino & Claudia Galindo: “A Quantitative Analysis of the Academic and Socioemotional Impact of Caring Teachers on Adolescents Whose Families Came to the United States for Political Reasons”
- Amy Pucino: “Expanding Notions of Care: A Qualitative Inquiry of Adolescent Iraqi Refugee Perceptions of the Meaning of Teacher Caring and Its Benefits”
- Heather Linville: “Speaking Up for Justice: How ESOL Teachers Advocate for English Language Learners”
82nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Conference on Linguistics (SECOL): “The New South” (April 9 - 11, 2015) - Raleigh, NC
- May Chung: "Teaching Language Variation to Chinese Teachers of English"
- Anne H. Charity Hudley & Christine Mallinson: "From Opportunity Gaps to Progressive Partnerships: Interdisciplinary Models of Sociolinguistic Justice in the New South"
- Erin L. Berry: "The Linguistic Presentation of Self in Social Media Environments: A Pilot Study of Black Millenial Students at a Historically Black University"
The Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association 2015 Annual Conference (April 1-4, 2015) - New Orleans, LA
- Steven Dashiell: “The Magic of Manhood”: Discursive Analysis of Hegemonic Masculinity Constructions Among Bronies"
37th Graduate Research Conference (March 25, 2015) - UMBC, Baltimore, MD
- Kimberly Feldman: “Beyond the Teachers Lunchroom: Professional Identity, Teacher Voice, and Education Reform”
- Erin L. Berry: ”Embodied & Disembodied Social Spaces: An Analysis of Sociolinguistic Self- Presentation Training Programs at HBCUs”
- Ibrahim Er: "Quantitative Analysis of Scoring in TV Series Adaptations: A Comparison of Monk and Galip Derviş”
- Mary Laurents: “An Expanded Interpretation of Melucci’s Concept of Negotiated Collective Identity and its Application to the 19th Century English Public Schools”
- Tymofey Wowk and May F. Chung, & Claire Hempel: “Understanding the Classroom Context of Latino English Learners and Its Influence on their Social- Emotional Development”
- David Balosa: “Political Discourse Analysis as a Research Methodology in Intercultural Communication Study”
- Satarupa Joardar: “Twitter and mainstream media discourses of a social movement: An exploratory case study of the Indian anti-corruption movement of 2011”
- Jiselle Providence “The Ricochet of Resistance: The Cultural Reproduction of Violence in Trinbagonian Mores”
Also, Romy Hübler was the GRC Chair, and Rachel Carter moderated the Keynote panel.
UPENN 2015 French and Italian Graduate Society Conference “Rewriting”(March 21, 2015) - Philadelphia, PA
- Ibrahim Er: “Glorification of Chastity in a Turkish Adaptation of the US Crime Series Monk"
2015 Conference on College Composition and Communication “Risk and Reward” (March 18-21) - Tampa, FL
- Christopher Justice: “The Rhetoric of Watershed Mapping”
- Craig Saper and Lynn Tomlinson: “Animate Composition & Projection”
- Christopher Justice, Craig Saper, and Lynn Tomlinson: “Who gets to project what? Projection Technologies in the Writing Classroom”
The Beauty of Letters: Text, Type, and Communication in the Eighteenth Century(March 13-15, 2015) - The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
- Kevin Wisniewski: “Compositors of Types: Typography and Design in Eighteenth-century America”
Towson University's "Forging Linguistic Identities" Conference (March 14, 2015) Towson, MD
- May Chung: "The Hmong Among Many: A Descriptive Analysis of a Southern Interlanguage Variety"
Maryland TESOL's "Breaking Down Borders: Graduate Students Revolutionizing TESOL" 8th Annual Spring TESOL Student Conference (March 7, 2015) - Baltimore, MD.
- May Chung: "Teaching Language Variation to Chinese Teachers of English"
Lavender Languages Conference - American University (February 13-15) - Washington, DC
- Steven Dashiell: “Not in my Stable”: The Use of Distancing Discourse among Male Participants on a Brony Website"
College Art Association 103rd Annual Conference (February 11-14, 2015) - New York, NY
- Craig Saper: “Expanded Animation: Breaking the Frame” (Respondent & "Publishing Multimodally,”)
The Society for Caribbean Research (SOCARE) Junior Researchers Conference(January 22-24, 2015) - Bielefeld, Germany.
- Jiselle Providence: “The Ricochet of Resistance: The Cultural Reproduction of Violence in Trinbagonian Mores.”
If you have recently published a book, chapter or paper, or if you have presented at a conference or organized an important event, please send an email to Felix Burgos We would like to keep our community updated about your contributions.
Posted: April 9, 2015, 5:24 PM