IMDA MFA Program alumna Marian Glebes teams up with BMA
Year long project to build a habitat with The Loading Dock
IMDA MFA Program alumna Marian Glebes, in partnership with the non-profit The Loading Dock, has been selected for a year-long project to be produced for the BMA’s new center for learning and creativity, opening October 25, 2015.
The new center will offer a variety of imaginative art experiences, including a community commons, where Glebes and The Loading Dock will produce artworks onthe theme of ‘home.’
Seeing the BMA as a metaphoric house to Baltimore’s greatest cultural assets, Glebes anticipates creating an interactive environment in which audiences can consider their personal relationships to the materials of home and to the objects of the museum. The project will explore how audiences’ relationships with those materials, and their individual habitats, connect them to the larger notion of place and environment.
The new center will offer a variety of imaginative art experiences, including a community commons, where Glebes and The Loading Dock will produce artworks onthe theme of ‘home.’
Seeing the BMA as a metaphoric house to Baltimore’s greatest cultural assets, Glebes anticipates creating an interactive environment in which audiences can consider their personal relationships to the materials of home and to the objects of the museum. The project will explore how audiences’ relationships with those materials, and their individual habitats, connect them to the larger notion of place and environment.
Posted: May 8, 2015, 1:48 PM