LLC 750.1: New Special Topic Course - Fall '15
Professor: Dr. Cedric Herring
Knowledge Production and Social Science Career Development in LLC
This class will engage students in social science approaches to the production of culture through a series of active learning projects that emphasize writing, public speaking, and research skills. Students will synthesize subject-matter knowledge they have acquired, integrate cross-disciplinary knowledge, and connect theory and application in preparation for entry into a career by preparing materials they will use in their chosen professions. In addition, students will gain exposure to professional networks that will further their academic development. Students will assemble portfolios that will showcase their accomplishments in ways that give them a professional and academic advantage. The course will also require that students demonstrate their ability to link theory, the planning and execution of scholarly research, and social science writing. Students will apply their understanding of these issues through individual projects on subjects of their own choosing, presenting their work in progress for critical discussion and publication.
Professor: Dr. Cedric Herring
Schedule: Thursdays 4:30 - 7:00 pm
Prerequisite: Graduate standing. To register this course, you need to obtain permission from your LLC advisor.
Posted: May 25, 2015, 7:49 PM