Course Offering: LLC 890: Research Proposal Seminar
Fall 2015
LLC 890: Research Proposal Seminar in Fall 2015
LLC 890 is an intensive research writing course that is open to all students who have a major research-based writing project. It is useful for those students who have finished comps or are finishing comps in September, as well as students who have not yet started comps and are in earlier stages of their work. Writing projects could include: a dissertation proposal, a pre-proposal draft, paper revisions for an article, a grant or fellowship proposal, or other major writing projects.
Students will work individually with Dr. Bickel and a peer writing partner in a recursive writing process throughout the semester. We will consider initial research problems and questions, theoretical frameworks and key concepts, writing literature reviews, the ethics and integrity of research writing, writing as inquiry and a daily practice, methodological frameworks and particular methods, issues of interdisciplinarity in content and research processes, how to make compelling presentations, and working effectively with dissertation advisors and committees.
The course will meet roughly every other week with intensive writing and feedback in between meetings. Skype is a possibility for those who cannot make class meetings. The course begins Monday, August 31, 4:30-7 in the MCS conference room, but the participants will decide together on subsequent meeting times. Note: 890 can be taken more than once.
Please be in touch with Dr. Bickel if you are considering enrolling for more details including scheduling issues and permission.
Posted: July 29, 2015, 2:45 PM