LLC Representatives Needed for GSA Senate and LLC GSO
An invitation for new and current LLC students!
Two LLC Representatives Needed for the UMBC Graduate Student Association (GSA) Senate and officers needed for the LLC Graduate Student Organization (GSO)
GSA - Senate
UMBC's Graduate Student Association ( allocates up to $2,500 in research support to all students during the course of their graduate education. However, this money is only available to graduate programs with active student representation in the GSA. So we MUST have a representative at every meeting. It has been customary that two LLC students share this position. Last year, Uzma Rashid attended monthly Senate meetings, which usually occur from 5-7 p.m on the first Monday of the month during the fall & spring semesters.
We kindly ask the collaboration from two new or current students to become LLC representatives in the GSO senate!
Also, we would like to let current and incoming LLC students know that we are inviting everyone to be active members of the GSO. We must have an executive board to receive the GSA money for the organization.
The outgoing LLC GSO Executive Board would like to invite everyone to consider joining the Board. Our past president, Dr. Uzma Rashid has graduated. The remaining members of the 2014-2015 executive board have expressed their desire to continuing serving as GSO officers. However, if there is more than one person interested in becoming an office-bearer for the same position, we will hold elections for those positions.
Nominations to date for the 2015-2016 Executive Board:
President: Felix Burgos
Vice-President: May Chung
Treasurer: Erin Berry
Secretary: (open)
Please contact Felix Burgos ( for details and to volunteer to be a GSA Senator or to nominate yourself or someone else for the GSO Board!
Thank you!
Posted: August 20, 2015, 5:04 PM