LLC Alumni Highlights: Dr. Isabel Moreno-Lopez
Promoted to Full Professor of Spanish - Goucher College
The Language, Literacy & Culture PhD Program is pleased to announce that Dr. Isabel Moreno-Lopez was promoted to Full Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies at Goucher College. Dr. Moreno-Lopez graduated from the LLC Program in 2002 (she was in the first cohort of the program and was the second student to graduate from it).
Dr. Moreno-Lopez´ teaching interests include critical pedagogy, peninsular and Latin American literature, queer studies and translation and Interpretation. Her research focuses on classroom assessment and the intersection of experiential learning with language courses through technology, community-based learning and study abroad experiences.
Her recent publications include Critical Activities in the Spanish Classroom: A Qualitative Study (NECTFL Review, 2015), Quantitative Study Comparing Network-based Language Teaching (NBTL) to Traditional Spanish Classes (Revista de Educación, 2013) and Outcomes of an Interdisciplinary Study Abroad Course: Learning Spanish and Multicultural Education Concurrently (Intercultural Education, 2012). Dr. Moreno-Lopez often presents at national and international conferences. On July 10th, 2015 she co-presented research with her department colleagues entitled “Think Outside the Classroom: Innovative Ways of Enhancing Foreign Language Learning” at the Twenty-Second International Conference on Learning at CEU San Pablo University in Madrid, Spain.
Posted: September 17, 2015, 4:29 PM