Pi Sigma Alpha membership is open
Hi Everyone!
The membership drive for Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honors Society, is now open. Membership is open to juniors and seniors who have a GPA of 3.08 and 3.31 respectively. Please pick up a membership application from Prof. Forestiere's door (PUP 306), fill it out, and drop it off with the appropriate check amount (either in Prof. Forestiere's Department mailbox or under her door). Membership is $35 (required), optional cords or medallion are $17 each (or $30 for both) and a PSA pin is $1. Please indicate on your membership application what you would like to order (it is $66 if you would like everything).
Applications will be accepted until Thursday October 15th.
Please contact Carolyn Forestiere at forestie@umbc.edu if you have any questions.
Posted: September 22, 2015, 2:23 PM