Of Note: Dr. Sara Cole Pitore
Book Release: Identity and Play in Interactive Digital Media
2017 begins with great news for our Language, Literacy, and Culture community.
Dr. Sara Cole Pitore '13 has just published her book Identity and Play in Interactive Digital Media: Ergodic Ontogeny. The book, which was built from her dissertation, is published by Routledge in its Advances in Game Studies series.
Here is a description of the book:
Recent shifts in new literacy studies have expanded definitions of text, reading/viewing, and literacy itself. The inclusion of non-traditional media forms is essential, as texts beyond written words, images, or movement across a screen are becoming ever more prominent in media studies. Included in such non-print texts are interactive media forms like computer or video games that can be understood in similar, though distinct, terms as texts that are read by their users. This book examines how people are socially, culturally, and personally changing as a result of their reading of, or interaction with, these texts. This work explores the concept of ergodic ontogeny: the mental development resulting from interactive digital media play experiences causing change in personal identity.
Posted: January 8, 2017, 12:41 PM