INDS Service Cords Program
Earn recognition for your service to the INDS program
This is a reminder that we are collecting responses for your service to INDS. When you have earned 75 points, you will receive recognition with a special cord to wear at graduation signifying the time and talent you provided to Interdisciplinary Studies.
The breakdown will be (but is not limited to) the following ways to earn your service cord. Additional items can be added to the list, and special circumstances for individualized service will be considered.
After you have completed a service, submit the form on our website. We are also accepting responses for service conducted in previous semesters.
[The following information is also posted on our website.]
5 pts - take photos at an INDS event and share with INDS staff
5 pts - assist INDS staff, Council of Majors or LLC RA with set-up for an event
5 pts - assist INDS staff, Council of Majors or LLC RA with clean up for an event
10 pts - write an article (~250 words) for the INDS newsletter
10 pts - take photos and write a photo story (~250 words) about an INDS event
10 pts - spend an hour writing thank you notes to those who contribute to INDS
10 pts - represent INDS for one hour at an Admissions event
15 pts - spend 1.5 hrs help to plan and execute a CoM event under the leadership of a CoM officer or the individual responsible for planning the event
15 pts per meeting - accept invitation and participate in the Mock ISC (includes 30 minutes preparatory reading and 1 hour of participation)
20 pts - serve as an officer for one semester in the INDS Council of Majors
20 pts - plan and execute an event with the management of other CoM members for the INDS Council of Majors
20 pts - mentor an INDS student formally through the INDS Peer Mentoring Program
Not sure how many points you have collected over time through a submitted form? Email to find out!
Posted: March 24, 2017, 10:42 AM