Show Me Your Papers: The Political Cartoons of Lalo Alcaraz
Tuesday, September 26, 7pm, PAHB Proscenium Theatre
The political cartoonist and film & TV writer, Lalo Alcaraz, will explore his history as an editorial cartoonist and creator of the first politically oriented and Latino themed syndicated daily comic strip, La Cucaracha. In this strip, Lalo chronicles the history of the modern Latino political movement in the U.S., starting with the rise of anti-immigrant laws like Prop 187 in California through Arizona SB 1070 and today's SB4 in Texas. Not to mention the current occupant of the White House. Laughs abound!
Sponsored by the Latino/Hispanic Faculty Association;the Visual Arts Department; the Office of the Dean of the College of the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; the Dresher Center for the Humanities;the Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication Department; the Global Studies Department; and the Media and Communication Studies Department.
Posted: September 24, 2017, 3:03 PM