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PoliSci Advising Office Hours

see an advisor!

It is highly recommended to see your advisor at least once a semester, and especially before you register for classes. An advisor is a professor designated to you in the department that you are majoring in or minoring in. That way, you are ensuring that you are being strategic and choosing the classes that will keep you on track to complete your major, minor(s), and graduation requirements. Advisors can also be mentors that help you find your way to opportunities that match your interests. 

Don't have an advisor? Don't sweat it! E-MAIL us at polisciadvising@umbc.edu to find out who your advisor is or to sign up for one. You can also stop by at PUP 357 and see us on the following days and times: 

Mondays: 2pm-6pm
Wednesdays: 10am-4pm
Thursdays: 12pm-4pm

Posted: September 26, 2017, 3:03 PM