LLC News: Dr. Christine Mallinson
2nd edition of Data Collection in Sociolinguistics
Dr. Christine Mallinson and her co-editors, Becky Childs and Gerard Van Herk, have recently released the second edition of their book Data Collection in Sociolinguistics: Methods and Applications.
This edition continues to provide up-to-date, succinct, relevant, and informative discussion about methods of data collection in sociolinguistic research. Written by a range of top sociolinguists, both veteran and emerging scholars, it covers the main areas of research design, conducting research, and sharing data findings. In addition to revisions of original material, this edition includes nine new vignettes covering such topics as collecting data from social media, conducting linguistic landscape research, forensic linguistic data collection, and working with transgender communities. A companion website,, provides enhanced pedagogical features such as discussion questions, activities, end-of-chapter exercises, and contributor videos. This volume is the one-stop, go-to guide for the numerous quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods used in sociolinguistic research; it is the ideal resource for undergraduate and graduate courses in sociolinguistic research, field methods and data collection.
Posted: December 4, 2017, 8:43 PM