Call for Proposals: NWSA 2018
Proposal Submission Deadline: February 21, 2018
The NWSA 2018 Call for Proposals is NOW AVAILABLE
Program Co-ChairsBarbara Ransby, University of Illinois, Chicago
Premilla Nadasen, Barnard College
Program Committee
Kiran Asher, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Elora Chowdhury, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Dara Cooper, National Black Food and Justice Alliance
Maria Cotera, University of Michigan
Eve Ewing, University of Chicago
Gayatri Gopinath, NYU
Kai Green, Williams College
Nancy Mirabal, University of Maryland, College Park
Shana Redmond, UCLA
Marie Cruz Soto, NYU
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Princeton University
Proposal Submission Deadline
February 21, 2018
The online submission system will open by February 1. Please note: All submitters and presenters must have a valid individual NWSA log in and password to submit/be included in a submission. Valid log ins include current individual members, expired individual members and guest log ins. See the FAQ for more details.
About the Theme
Our theme, “JUST IMAGINE. IMAGINING JUSTICE: Feminist visions of freedom, dream making and the radical politics of futures” invites scholars to engage the work of a variety of thinkers and visionaries, past and present, who insist that we cannot build movements or intellectual projects based simply on what we are against, but rather we have to deploy our imaginations to create projects, paradigms and movements based on what we are for. ASA, borrowing from the works of Walter Benjamin and Homi Bhabha, has embraced the notion that every emergency creates the basis for new possibilities to emerge and to take hold. We want to look at realized and imagined futures that offer alternative frames, logics, aesthetics, sexualities, social relations and social systems. This is the foundation upon which new radical praxes of freedom will be built. We also encourage scholars to resist epistemic frames that artificially divide dreaming from doing.
Download the Full CFP
All proposals to the general conference must be submitted to one of the following seven subthemes:
- Afro-futurism, feminist futures, surrealist thought and radical imaginaries
- Rethinking gender, sexuality, family, disability and the bio-politics of what is or is not human?
- The future of the universities, schools, and knowledge production: maroon spaces, insurgent practices, and the future of the disciplines and the interdisciplines?
- Post-capitalism: imagining new economic futures
- Revolutions and utopian projects: sustained, incomplete and derailed
- Political, cultural and artistic movements that “demand the impossible:” “abolition” and beyond
- The earth’s future and legacies of its past: environmental justice, climate change, indigeneity, land rights, wars and occupations
Full details of the CFP and submissions instructions are now posted here.
2018 Conference Presenter Requirements
All accepted presenters must be individual NWSA members for the 2018 membership year AND pre-register for the conference by July 25, 2018
If you have already renewed your individual membership for 2018, thank you!
To review your membership status, please log in. If you have forgotten your password, please click "Forgot your password" and enter the email address you used when you joined NWSA. Your log in information and password will be sent to you via email. If you have any trouble logging in, please email Please do not create a new account, we can help you log in to your existing account.
To renew your membership now, please log in and click, "Membership Renewal".
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Posted: January 19, 2018, 11:16 AM