Dresher Center Graduate Student Research Fellowships
Applications for Fall 2018 & Spring 2019 are due May 1, 2018
The application deadline is May 1, 2018 for two fellowships: one in fall 2018 and one in spring 2019.
The Dresher Center for the Humanities invites applications for two Graduate Student Research Fellowships for the 2018-19 academic year. One fellowship will be awarded for fall 2018 and one for spring 2019 (this is a change from previous years). Funding is intended to support and promote promising humanities research by graduate students at UMBC. These fellowships are open to all UMBC doctoral and master’s level students working on humanities-related research projects that will culminate in a dissertation or master’s thesis.
Fellows will receive up to $1,500 to be used for research travel, materials, or other directly-related research expenses. They will present a session as part of the CURRENTS: Humanities Work Now series and attend the Humanities Forum and other Dresher Center events and workshops. The Dresher Center will allow fellows to work in Center office space, as available. After their fellowship term, fellows will submit a summary of the work they accomplished during the semester, as well as a statement on progress made toward the completion of their dissertation or thesis.
Submit your application package to dreshercenter@umbc.edu by May 1, 2018. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
For more information contact:
Dr. Jessica Berman, Director
Dresher Center for the Humanities
Posted: March 11, 2018, 12:28 PM