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Apply now to participate in a Faculty Learning Community!

Applications for 2018-19 FLCs are due Friday, May 25.

The Faculty Development Center is pleased to announce four new proposed topics for Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) for AY 2018-19:

Cultivating critical thinking: Integrating information literacy into course content 
(Co-Facilitators: Joanna Gadsby & Katy Sullivan, Library)

Flipping the classroom
(Facilitator neededplease contact Kerrie, kkephart@umbc.edu, if you are interested)

Getting Students to READ: Scaffolding Students' Reading, Engagement, Analysis, and Discovery through Texts
(Facilitator neededplease contact Kerrie, kkephart@umbc.edu, if you are interested)

Writing questions to foster deep learning and engagement 
(Facilitator: Sarah Leupen, Biological Sciences)

What are FLCs? Faculty Learning Communities are groups of 6-12 self-selected faculty who join together across disciplines for a year-long exploration of specific evidence-based teaching practices. FLCs support faculty in developing a new pedagogical approach, new kinds of assignments, and/or new ways to assess student learning. Participants who meet the attendance requirements (missing no more than 3 meetings over the academic year) receive a stipend to be used for professional development. 

Who is eligible? All current faculty, as well as staff who teach, are encouraged to participate. 

To apply: The application form and descriptions of each of the proposed FLCs can be found on our websitePlease submit your application to fdc@umbc.edu by Friday, May 25Although you can only participate in one FLC, you may apply to more than one, ranking your choices on the application form. The FLCs that receive the greatest numbers of applicants will go forward as FDC-sponsored FLCs for 2018-19. 

To learn more about the FLC program: Please come to the FLC End-of-Year Celebration on Friday, May 11, 12:00-1:30 p.m., in the Library Room 767. Lunch will be served. If you plan to attend, please register here by Sunday, May 6. Participants in the current FLCs will present the outcomes of their work. The facilitators of proposed FLCs and FDC staff will be on hand to answer your questions. Further information about FLCs is available on our website: http://fdc.umbc.edu/learning-communities/faculty-learning-communities/.

Posted: May 3, 2018, 12:32 PM